申請須知 // 招生簡章


A 注意事項

1. 本園於2024年9月16日上午9:00至2024年10月6日下午5:00接受2025至2026年度幼兒班新生入學申請。 

2. 申請2025-2026年度幼兒班之年齡: 1/9/2021至31/12/2022出生。 

3. 只接受網上申請,郵寄或傳真恕不受理。 

4. 提交申請前,為確保園方向家長發出的電郵不會被分類到雜件箱內,請把admissions@spk.edu.hk加到您的安全電郵通訊錄名單內。 

5. 一名幼兒只限提交一份申請,如查核有重覆申請,一概不予受理。 

6. 遞交申請表後,如發現填寫的資料有誤,請與本園聯絡,切勿重新申請。

7. 家長所呈交之任何文件,無論取錄與否均不予發還。

8. 所有提交資料必須正確無訛,如有虛假資料,園方有權取消所遞交之申請。 

9. 提交申請後,本園將透過聯絡電郵通知申請編號及發佈有關申請入學資訊等用途,請定期查閱聯絡電郵。

B 提前繳交報名費用


1. 報名費用為港幣40元。 

2. 繳交方法: 以現金存入 

銀行名稱:上海商業銀行 Shanghai Commercial Bank 

賬戶名稱:聖保祿幼稚園 St. Paul’s Kindergarten 


3. 必須保留現金存入銀行收據。 

4. 請於收據上空白位置寫上幼兒姓名(英文) *報名費不設退款,敬請按指示完成報名程序。

C 文件掃描準備

請預備以下所需文件的掃描檔案,以便傳送到網上系統。檔案格式須爲JPEG,每個檔案須小於2MB 具有200dpi圖片解像度 (一般掃描器的標準規格)。 

1.幼兒個人近照 (尺寸為2吋 X 1.5吋) 


3.幼兒洗禮證明 (如有) 


A. Notes to applicants

1. The application of the 2025/2026 School Year K1 classes starts from 16 September 2024 9:00am to 6 October 2024 5:00pm

2. Children born between 1 September 2021 to 31 December 2022 are eligible for applying the 2025-2026 School Year K1 classes. 

3. Online Application only. 

4. Please save the email: admissions@spk.edu.hk in your contact list to avoid the email sent from us will allocate to the “SPAM” box. 

5. Duplicate applications will not be processed. 

6. If there are any amendments or corrections that need to be made after handing in the application form, please contact our school office. Do not reapply.

7. Documents submitted with the application will not be returned regardless of the applicant’s admission status. 

8. Please ensure that the information provided is accurate and complete. If any part of the application is found to be false, misleading or incomplete, the application may not be processed.

9. The confirmation email with your unique Application Number and information about the application will be sent by email. Please check your email regularly.

B. Pay application fee before online application

When you fill in the application form, you need to upload the application fee receipt. You are advised to pay the application fee before getting in the application system. 

1. Application Fee: $40 

2. Payment method: Deposit in cash 

    Bank: Shanghai Commercial Bank 

    Account Name: St. Paul’s Kindergarten 

    Account Number: 330-82-09972-6 

3. Please keep the receipt. 

4. Please write down the child’s name on the receipt. 

 * All paid application fees are not refundable.

C. Scanning documents

Please scan the following documents. The files should be in JPEG format. Please make sure the file size is less than 2MB with 200dpi resolution. 

1. Child’s Recent Photo (2”x1.5”) 

2. Child’s Birth Certificate 

3. Child’s Baptism Certificate (if any) 

4. Application fee receipt